Ok, so here are some cakes which I have done last few weeks.........
This was for my second son't b'day. Unfortunately we couldn't have the party due to snow. But he is having the party next month. So he is going to have another cake!!!!
The customer bought all the toys to go on the cake. I attached them to the cake with some royal icing.
This was for a little boy's christening. I use Earlin's mat to imprint the diamond shapes and then piped over it with white royal icing! I followed Elain Thomas's video to make the baby blocks. If you want to have a look, please click here...

And here is a cutting cake to go with it.

This was for a little girl's 1st b'day. The figure is actualy a fairy. There are wings at the back. I should have made them a bit bigger. Will keep that in mind for next time!!!!!!!!
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