First I baked a 7" sqaure cake. Then I torte it twice. You can use any size square cake and follow the same method.
Then I cut a strip, around 3" wide.
I used that strip as the middle part of the number 1 and the bigger piece for the bottom part.

Then I cut two small pieces from each side. So now the width of the bottom piece should be as same as the middle piece.

Then I placed those two small pieces on to the top left hand side of the cake, to make the pointy part of the number 1. Then cut a triangle shape off it.

Here is a photo showing after cutting off the triangle piece.

Then I started filling it. I didn't bother putting the filling to the pointy part, as it was quite small. Once I filled everything, I attached those small pieces with buttercream.
I used a buttercream dam around the edge of the cake before filling the cake.

Then filled it with buttercream....
The second layer went on top of the buttercream filling. Again another buttercream dam around the edge of the cake. And then filled it with Jam..