Here is the cake that I made this week.

One of my cousin's who does cakes asked me how I do the figures. So this is for her!!!
First I have to say a big thank you to Lorrain Mckay for her tutorials where I learnt how to make people!!!!!!!

These are the modeling paste colours that I have used. Brown for trousers, White for the top, the flesh colour for the body parts and the black for the eyes. I made the flesh colour paste by adding a tiny bit of Paprika/Flesh paste colour from Sugarflair.

Here are the tools that I have used. Edible glue, black paste colour, paint brush, scissor, small knife, no.2 piping nozzle, toothpick, small rolling pin, ball tool, tiny palette knife, leaf shaper and comb and scallop tool.

First take the brown modeling paste and roll it to a ball and then into a sausage shape with one end wider than the other side. Then using your hand flatten it a bit. Then cut it in half, just above half lengthwise.

Then push the top part upright to look like its seated. Maybe this photo will help you to understand how it was done.Then use the thin side of the leaf shaper to give it bended knee look.

Next, take a ball of flesh coloured paste roll it to a tear drop shape. Then pinch the pointed side to make the neck. I got the shape of the upper body by using my fingers. Here is how it looks like when its done. Make sure you cut the pointy bit from the neck. Just a little bit!!!

Then glue the upper body to the trouser by using some edible glue. Once you have done that, insert a dry speghetti through the neck to the trouser. But not all the way down!! At this point, I let it dry overnight.

To make the sleaveless top, I roll out some white paste and cut a rectangle. Then folded it in half and pushed it through the neck. Make sure that both sides are same length and it covers the body!

Then cut the sides and rub your fingure on the seam to make it neater.

Then to make the arms, take another small ball of flesh colour paste, roll it out to a thin sausage. Then using your index fingure, flatten one end to make the hand. Then take the knife and make 4 cuts to make the fingers. Then using the wider side of the leaf shaper push on to the tip of the fingers to make finger nails. Then using glue, stick to the side of the body.

For the face, take another ball of flesh colour paste. I always insert the ball through the speghetti to make sure its the right size. Then using the small side of the ball tool, mark the eyes. Then using the toothpick, mark where the nose should go. Then using the scallop tool, mark the mouth. Then take another tiny ball of flesh colour paste and stick it where the nose was marked, with some glue. Then with the toothpick mark the nostrils. Take a small peice of white paste, roll it out and using the piping nozzle, cut two small circles. Then keep it on the board and press it with one side of the rolling pin, to make it flat. Put some glue on where you marked the eyes and stick the two white circles. Then do the same using black paste but don't flatten it. Take that and glue them on top of the white circles.

One of my cousin's who does cakes asked me how I do the figures. So this is for her!!!
First I have to say a big thank you to Lorrain Mckay for her tutorials where I learnt how to make people!!!!!!!
These are the modeling paste colours that I have used. Brown for trousers, White for the top, the flesh colour for the body parts and the black for the eyes. I made the flesh colour paste by adding a tiny bit of Paprika/Flesh paste colour from Sugarflair.
Here are the tools that I have used. Edible glue, black paste colour, paint brush, scissor, small knife, no.2 piping nozzle, toothpick, small rolling pin, ball tool, tiny palette knife, leaf shaper and comb and scallop tool.
First take the brown modeling paste and roll it to a ball and then into a sausage shape with one end wider than the other side. Then using your hand flatten it a bit. Then cut it in half, just above half lengthwise.
Then push the top part upright to look like its seated. Maybe this photo will help you to understand how it was done.Then use the thin side of the leaf shaper to give it bended knee look.
Next, take a ball of flesh coloured paste roll it to a tear drop shape. Then pinch the pointed side to make the neck. I got the shape of the upper body by using my fingers. Here is how it looks like when its done. Make sure you cut the pointy bit from the neck. Just a little bit!!!
Then glue the upper body to the trouser by using some edible glue. Once you have done that, insert a dry speghetti through the neck to the trouser. But not all the way down!! At this point, I let it dry overnight.
To make the sleaveless top, I roll out some white paste and cut a rectangle. Then folded it in half and pushed it through the neck. Make sure that both sides are same length and it covers the body!
Then cut the sides and rub your fingure on the seam to make it neater.
Then to make the arms, take another small ball of flesh colour paste, roll it out to a thin sausage. Then using your index fingure, flatten one end to make the hand. Then take the knife and make 4 cuts to make the fingers. Then using the wider side of the leaf shaper push on to the tip of the fingers to make finger nails. Then using glue, stick to the side of the body.
For the face, take another ball of flesh colour paste. I always insert the ball through the speghetti to make sure its the right size. Then using the small side of the ball tool, mark the eyes. Then using the toothpick, mark where the nose should go. Then using the scallop tool, mark the mouth. Then take another tiny ball of flesh colour paste and stick it where the nose was marked, with some glue. Then with the toothpick mark the nostrils. Take a small peice of white paste, roll it out and using the piping nozzle, cut two small circles. Then keep it on the board and press it with one side of the rolling pin, to make it flat. Put some glue on where you marked the eyes and stick the two white circles. Then do the same using black paste but don't flatten it. Take that and glue them on top of the white circles.
Then mix some black paste with clear alcohol, paint the eyebrows and eyelashes. Once you glue the face to the neck, mark where the ears should be with a tooth pick. Take two tiny balls of flesh colour paste and flattern them a bit and glue them to look like ears where you have marked. For her shoes, I rolled out two teardrop shaped balls and glued then to the end of the trouser legs.You need to let it dry again overnight before you add the hair.
And here is the end product! I used brown coloured royal icing to pipe the hair.
Hope you like it and thank you!